About Us

Le serviremos mejor.
About Company

We have made investment Simple

Digital-miner commenced business operations on 3rd April, 2015 but ventured into digital currency activites later on. We are interested in delivering excellence, quality and speedy services for customer satisfaction while consistently being transparent, and expanding our client base both locally and internationally.

When we created Digital Miner, we had one primary objective at heart, and that is to make the process of investing as simple and clear as possible, such that anyone with a desire or goal to build financial investment can do so without having to be a professional.

We have consistently anticipated and responded to the changing needs of investors. We are driven by a commitment to provide individuals and institutions with the highest-quality investments tools and advice.

At the meeting with finance advisor.

Its all about your Finance

We focus on equipping investors with the right assets to take control of their financial future. We are committed to your financial freedom.


Our vision is to be a trusted partner for our clients and a respected leader in global asset management.


Our mission is to add value with active portfolio management to help our clients reach their long-term financial goals.